The construction of an Orthodox church – Temple of St. Basil the Great began at the Varda site in Konjic in 1885,
and the general public was informed about it via Sarajevo Gazette. In its outward forms, this object is extremely simplified and without any decorative elements.

National monument
This church was completed on October 26, 1886, and, unlike the exterior, the interior of the church was richly furnished. Its great value was represented by the built-in iconostasis, crafted in 1925 by the Konjic wood carvers Sulejman Hadzizukic and Salko Alagic. The iconostasis was painted by Sreto Domic in 1929, following the Byzantine style.
Interestingly, one of the icons was particularly unique. Specifically, it depicted St. Cyril and St. Methodius wearing Franciscan friar’s robes. Unfortunately, during the war years (1992-95), this icon, as well as the church building and its interior, were destroyed. After 2000, the church was repaired, the iconostasis was reconstructed, stairs for the port were built, and the fence and interior lighting were installed. In November 2007, the Commission to Preserve National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina declared the Church of St. Basil the Great, along with its movable icons, a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina.