The Varda Mosque in Konjic is located in the settlement of Varda. According to Hivzija Hasandedić,
the Vardačka mosque was one of eight prayer sites mentioned by Evlija Čelebija in his „Putopisi“ in 1664.

An important place to pray
Hivzija Hasandedić claims that the builder of this mosque was Hussein-bey, an elderly man from the Mulić family of Varda. It is believed that his grave, which still stands today, is located along the mihrab wall of the Varda Mosque.
In his book Konjic i njegova okolina za vrijeme osmanske vladavine, Dr. Jusuf Mulić states that the mosque was built by Husein-bey Buljukbaša, son of Mehmed-bey.
During the reconstruction, the representatives of the Islamic Community decided not to restore the minaret that had been demolished earlier. Guided by the idea that the minaret should serve as a symbol of remembrance for the period we endured, they chose to leave it without a top. As a result, this is one of the few mosques in Bosnia and Herzegovina without a minaret top.